❓ Relevance to Challenge Question

Weightage: 25%

Poor Exemplary
No relevance to challenge question Strong relevance to challenge question

💡 Innovation and Concept

Weightage: 40%

Poor Exemplary
Solution already exists and/or there is very little innovation to bring further impact onto challenge issues

Solution is also technically or economically unfeasible. e.g. incompatible with current XR technologies including hardware and software | Solution is highly innovative or utilises key principles unheard of that are impactful to challenge issues

Solution is also technically and economically feasible. e.g. simple and clear implementation, guarantees quick adoption by users, pays for itself, or makes a strong business use-case |

💎 Quality and Implementation

Weightage: 20%

Poor Exemplary
Solution is extremely under developed or is still in conceptual phase

Little to no progress made during hackathon | Solution is well developed and application can be executed smoothly without bugs |

📢 Presentation Delivery

Weightage: 15%

Poor Exemplary
Presentation is vague, unclear and inconsistent

Idea and solution is not communicated clearly | Presentation is clear and consistent

Idea and solution is communicated clearly |