Teams are required to:

  1. Be present for the Hackathon Finals, and
  2. Submit their solutions on DevPost by 12:00 PM, 12 June, 2024, and
  3. Deploy their projects onto on-site / personal headsets by 12:00 PM, 12 June, 2024, and
  4. Present their solutions on 13 June, 2024.

📤 DevPost Submission

Teams must submit the following:

  1. Code Repository: Link to project’s code repository (GitHub, GitLab, etc.). Ensure that your repository is public and includes:
    1. README with:
      1. Team name
      2. Clear installation and usage instructions
      3. Development tools used
      4. Licensing (if any)
    2. All source code
    3. Any necessary dependencies
  2. Project Executable File
  3. (Optional) Demo Video: Short video (1 – 2 minutes) demonstrating the key features and functionality of your project.
  4. Presentation Slide Deck: A slide deck summarising your project. Include the following:
    1. Team Name and Team Members
    2. Selected Hackathon Track
    3. Solution Overview
    4. Hardware and Development Platform Used

Each team will only need to submit once as a group via the DevPost Submission Link. All files should be compiled into a ZIP file (size limit 35 MB) named: XRperience_2024_Hackathon_<GroupName>.

🎛️ Technical Dry-Run

Teams using on-site Event headsets:

Teams must deploy their projects onto the on-site Event headsets by 12:00 PM, 12 June, 2024. This is necessary for the Technical Dry-Run scheduled on 2:30 PM, 12 June, 2024. Teams that do not meet this deadline could face penalties.

Teams using own personal headsets: